Texas has been significantly dry this year but luckily, bluebonnet season will come through this April to May according to an Audacy article from April 1 which reports,
“It’s that time of year again when beautiful wildflowers, including the ever-popular bluebonnets, can be found on the side of roads and freeways in Texas.
Despite the drought conditions across our state this year, bluebonnets pushed through— though in some areas more than others— according to an early bluebonnet bloom report from Director of Horticulture Andrea DeLong Amaya.
“Some of the areas where we got a little bit of rain, like in Central Texas, that really helped boost plants over there. So I think in those areas in Central Texas, we’ll see a better show that we will say extreme west Texas and some of the other places that are in a lot of drought,” said DeLong Amaya.”
One of the famous attractions during the bluebonnets season is located in Ennis and it features a grand festival that turns 70 this year according to a CultureMap Dallas article from March 29. They say,
“For the uninitiated, Ennis Bluebonnet Trails wind visitors through 40 miles of picturesque wildflowers, and they’re free to drive. Ennis was named the Official Bluebonnet Trail of Texas and the Official Bluebonnet City of Texas by the 1997 State Legislature, and Ennis’ trails are the oldest known trails in the state.
A favorite DFW tradition is driving the trails and finding picturesque spots for photos along the way, then returning to historic downtown Ennis for the annual festival.
This year marks the 70th annual Ennis Bluebonnet Trails Festival, presented by the Ennis Garden Club. It will run 10 am April 8 through 6 pm April 10 and will feature food, a beer garden, a wine wander, shopping, children’s activities, bluebonnet souvenirs, and live entertainment throughout the weekend; admission is just $5.
According to a news release, the 2022 festival entertainment lineup will include Infinite Journey, a high energy Journey cover band; and the headliner, country star Rick Trevino. Fireworks will cap off Friday and Saturday night festivities.”
Despite the hype for bluebonnets, people are still encouraged to check for the latest conditions of the bluebonnets. This is to guarantee that they will definitely see bluebonnets when they drive the trails.