The Trust for Public Land proposes converting Dallas city-owned vacant lots into parks, revealed during a Parks Committee meeting presentation, according to a Kera News article which reports,
“An environmental group that focuses specifically on creating and maintaining greenspaces around the country wants to turn vacant property owned by the city of Dallas into new parks.
That’s according to a presentation by the Trust for Public Land (TPL) and the city’s parks and recreation department during Monday’s Parks, Trails and the Environment Committee meeting.”
Despite potential bureaucratic challenges, the Dallas Park Board will soon receive locations for the first five green spaces under the Dallas Greening Initiative, according to a Dallas Morning News article. They say,
“Johnson also knew even the grandest designs get ground to dust in the bureaucratic gears of Dallas City Hall. That’s why he put outsiders in charge — outsiders who can work effectively with those inside 1500 Marilla.
The result? In what passes for lightning speed in municipal government, the Dallas Park Board on Thursday will get the locations of the first five green spaces to be created through the mayor’s Dallas Greening Initiative. Community meetings and design begin this year. The new sites will open soon after that.”
With a focus on affordable and accessible neighborhood spots, the success of the Dallas Greening Initiative could reshape perspectives on job titles.