Students Speak Up at Frisco District Board Meeting 

Students Speak Up at Frisco District Board Meeting 

During the district board meeting for the mask mandate in Frisco schools, students participated and spoke their concerns according to a Dallas Morning News article from September 16 which reports,

“Hundreds of parents, students, and community members attended Frisco ISD’s school board meeting Monday to demonstrate their position on the mask debate.

Inside, the auditorium was divided in two — with those in support of a mask mandate wearing white clothing to demonstrate their support. Leading up to the meeting, a group of pro-maskers were protesting outside of the administration building, calling for the district to issue a mandate that masks be used in schools.”

One Frisco ISD student tweeted a video of his speech during the district board meeting where he emphasized that “someone else’s freedom to not wear a mask cost my family our freedom to live peacefully and safely in our home.” 

A speaker who supported the mask mandate expressed his concern and called out Frisco ISD to step up in a Facebook post. He said,  

“I hope the message rings loud and clear to our school board. The community needs to mask up. As one of the premiere school districts in the nation, it’s appalling Frisco ISD won’t be bastions of good education by following the science on the benefits of masking. Personal responsibility does not work. The case counts prove that. Protect the children from those who don’t care for others. Stop being bullied by our governor and follow suit with so many other school districts. Make masks mandatory.”

Another parent, who is a doctor, questioned the attitude of the people and the officials towards Covid-19 in a Facebook post. She said,

“I understand politics have played a role in banning mask mandates; however, as a solution-based thinker, I ask:

Why are people not willing to take care of others and this place through simple inconveniences?

Why aren’t these measures being highly encouraged or even incentives?”

The district board meeting has still not come to any conclusion regarding the proposed mask mandate.